Tuesday 21 June 2022

love problem solution

 मोलवी एके महाराज जी जी एक व्यापक रूप से प्रशंसित ज्योतिषी हैं जो आपकी सभी प्रेम विवाह समस्या से निपटते हैं जो हर किसी के जीवन का सबसे महत्वपूर्ण हिस्सा है; यह एक सुखद एहसास और जीवन भर का अवसर है। हर किसी को एक सुखी वैवाहिक और खुशहाल वैवाहिक जीवन की आवश्यकता होती है। वर्तमान पीढ़ी ज्यादातर प्रेम विवाह के लिए जाना पसंद करती है। हालाँकि, प्रेम विवाह से पहले या बाद में उन्हें कई लोगों का सामना करना पड़ता है। प्रेम विवाह केवल विवाह नहीं है; यह दो लोगों के बीच की मधुर अनुभूति और बंधन है जिसे जीवन भर साथ रहने की आवश्यकता होती है। हालाँकि, कुछ समस्याएं होती हैं जो उन्हें एक दूसरे से अलग कर देती हैं।

love problem solution

हमारे देश में लोग प्यार के बजाय अरेंज मैरिज में विश्वास करते हैं। यहां तक ​​कि वे प्रेमी की भावनाओं और संवेदनाओं को भी कभी नहीं समझ पाते हैं। इसलिए, यदि आप अपने प्रियजनों के साथ हमेशा के लिए रहना चाहते हैं, और उनसे शादी करना चाहते हैं, तो आपको एक उत्कृष्ट समाधान खोजना होगा। आप हमारे ज्योतिषियों को एक बार कॉल कर सकते हैं, जो लव मैरिज स्पेशलिस्ट के नाम से मशहूर हैं।

vashikaran specialist

वह न केवल भारत में बल्कि पूरे विश्व में अपनी सेवाएं प्रदान करता है। मोलवी जी ने यूएसए, यूके, ऑस्ट्रेलिया, कनाडा और कई अन्य देशों के 1500+ ग्राहकों को संभाला है। वह आपके प्यार से जुड़े मुद्दों का ध्यान रख सकता है क्योंकि हमारा मकसद ग्राहकों को उनकी जरूरत के अनुसार सर्वोत्तम समाधानों के साथ पूरा करना है।

love problem solution

वह ज्योतिष, वशीकरण विशेषज्ञ, लव बैक स्पेशलिस्ट, लव स्पेल स्पेशलिस्ट, लव, ब्लैक मैजिक स्पेशलिस्ट, मैरिज, अरेंज मैरिज स्पेशलिस्ट आदि के विशेषज्ञ हैं। मोलवी जी प्रेम विवाह से जुड़े हर मुद्दे को 100% शक्तिशाली समाधान के साथ हल करते हैं।

Friday 27 May 2022


 पूर्व प्रेमी को वापस पाने के लिए वशीकरण मंत्र

पूर्व प्रेमी को वापस पाने के लिए वशीकरण मंत्र, अपने पहले प्यार को कौन भूल सकता है? उस बात के लिए पहला प्यार या कोई प्यार एक गहन अनुभूति है जो अंधा हो सकता है। लेकिन यह हमेशा सच नहीं होता है कि जिसे आप अपने जीवन में चाहते हैं वह वहीं रहेगा। ऐसे कई कारक हैं जिन पर आपका नियंत्रण नहीं हो सकता है।

love problem solution

लेकिन ये कारक आपके प्रेम जीवन की स्थिरता को प्रभावित करते हैं। वे इसे ध्वस्त करने में सफल भी हो सकते हैं। लेकिन दुर्भाग्यपूर्ण बात यह है कि ज्यादातर मामलों में आपका इसमें कोई महत्वपूर्ण हाथ नहीं हो सकता है।

पूर्व प्रेमी को वापस पाने के लिए वशीकरण मंत्र

पूर्व प्रेमी को वापस पाने के लिए वशीकरण मंत्र


 vashikaran specialist

अधिक सटीक होने के लिए, आप यह नहीं समझ पाएंगे कि वास्तव में आपके रिश्ते को क्या तोड़ रहा है। लेकिन एक बार जब आप जिससे प्यार करते हैं वह चला जाता है, तो आप उसे पछताना शुरू कर देंगे। और क्योंकि आपको पता नहीं है कि क्या गलत हुआ, आप इसे पारंपरिक रूप से फिट करने का प्रयास कर सकते हैं।

तो क्या आप तनाव महसूस कर रहे हैं? क्या आप अपने पूर्व प्रेमी को वापस पाने के लिए हर समय दुखी रहते हैं? यदि हाँ तो आपको पारंपरिक तरीकों से बाहर उत्तर खोजना होगा। यहाँ वशीकरण की भूमिका आती है। वशीकरण बाबाओं, मनीषियों द्वारा मंत्रों का अभ्यास करने की कला है जो ब्रह्मांड के दूसरे आयाम से परिचित हैं।

वे विशिष्ट मंत्रों की विभिन्न क्षमताओं को भी जानते हैं। इन मंत्रों का उपयोग उन समस्याओं को ठीक करने के लिए किया जा सकता है जो अन्यथा हमारे लिए अज्ञात हैं। जब रिश्तों से संबंधित मुद्दों की बात आती है तो स्वाभाविक रूप से वशीकरण एक आसान समाधान बन जाता है।

अब अगर आप इस सवाल का जवाब जानना चाहते हैं कि अपने पूर्व प्रेमी को वापस कैसे पाएं? स्पष्ट उत्तर होगा वशीकरण। आईटी वहां से निकलने का सबसे तेज और सुरक्षित तरीका है। लेकिन इसकी आध्यात्मिक प्रकृति के कारण, इसका उपयोग केवल सकारात्मक उद्देश्यों के लिए किया जाना चाहिए। अन्यथा, परिणाम आपके लिए गंभीर हो सकते हैं।

नीचे हम आपको कुछ वाद्य यंत्र प्रदान कर रहे हैं। लेकिन आपको हमेशा याद रखना चाहिए कि ये बेहद शक्तिशाली और संवेदनशील अध्याय हैं। इसलिए आपको कोई भी कदम उठाने में बहुत सावधानी बरतनी चाहिए। परामर्श वशीकरण विशेषज्ञों ने भी सिफारिश की।

नींबू प्यार मंत्र:

जहां तक ​​संबंध समस्याओं का संबंध है नींबू प्रेम मंत्र एक बहुत ही प्रसिद्ध वशीकरण विधि है। अपने पूर्व प्रेमी को वापस पाने का यह सबसे तेज़ और सस्ता तरीका है। इस मंत्र के बारे में सबसे महत्वपूर्ण बात यह है कि इसकी सफलता दर सबसे अधिक है।

आपको बस इतना करना है कि पहले कुछ सामान इकट्ठा करें। वे एक ताजा नींबू, लाल रिबन की एक पट्टी और एक गुलाबी कागज हैं। सबसे पहले गुलाबी कागज के टुकड़े पर अपना और अपने पूर्व प्रेमी का नाम लिखें। अब नींबू को दो हिस्सों में काट लें। याद रखें कि आधा लगभग एक ही आकार का होना चाहिए।

यह बहुत महत्वपूर्ण है। फिर कागज को इस तरह मोड़ें कि आपके दोनों नाम एक दूसरे को स्पर्श करें। मुड़े हुए कागज को नींबू के टुकड़ों के बीच रखें और इसे रिबन से बांध दें। याद रखें कि बांधने के बाद आपको यह सुनिश्चित करना होगा कि यह कसकर सुरक्षित हो।

आइए अब उस मानसिक कार्य पर ध्यान दें जो आपको इस विधि के दौरान करना है। पूरी प्रक्रिया के दौरान, आपको अपने साथी के साथ वापस आने के बारे में सोचना होगा। यदि संभव हो तो, अपने पूर्व प्रेमी के साथ वापस आने के दृश्यों की कल्पना करें।

इच्छित परिणाम प्राप्त होने के बाद आप जो खुशी और आनंद महसूस करेंगे, उसे महसूस करने का प्रयास करें। अंत में, नींबू को किसी की नजर से दूर फ्रीजर में सुरक्षित रूप से रख दें। एक महीने के भीतर, आपको अपना पूर्व वापस मिल जाएगा। जैसे ही आप पूरी तरह से विधि के साथ कर लेंगे, आपको व्यवहार में बदलाव देखने को मिलेंगे।

अपने एक्स को वापस पाने के अन्य मंत्र

प्यार दुनिया की सबसे खूबसूरत यात्राओं में से एक है। और रिश्ते प्रेम की ही शाब्दिक अभिव्यक्ति हैं। लेकिन ज्यादातर रिश्तों में ऐसा होता है कि दो दुखी आत्माओं की वजह से उसकी मौत हो जाती है। इसका मतलब यह नहीं है कि आप अब अपने साथी से प्यार नहीं करते हैं। यह कुछ अज्ञात मतभेदों के कारण है; संबंध अब और नहीं चल रहा है।

इसलिए जहां तक ​​प्रेम है, रिश्तों में समस्याएं वास्तविक कारक नहीं हैं। जब तक आपका प्यार बरकरार है, कुछ वशीकरण मंत्रों से संबंधों में आने वाली कठिनाइयों से निपटा जा सकता है। उनमें से कुछ और आपके लिए उनके आवेदन यहां दिए गए हैं।

"ओम में माई (प्रेमी का नाम) वाशायम कुरु कुरु स्वाहा है।"

यह कुख्यात लाल किताब का एक मंत्र है जो किसी भी पुरुष को आकर्षित करने की शक्ति रखता है। नियमित रूप से इस मंत्र का जाप करने से आप किसी भी पुरुष या महिला को अपनी ओर आकर्षित कर सकते हैं। साथ ही इस मंत्र से आप अपने पूर्व प्रेमी को वापस पा सकेंगे। इस मंत्र का जप 21 दिनों तक प्रतिदिन करना है। यह एक शक्तिशाली मंत्र है। इसलिए इसे बहुत सावधानी से संभालना चाहिए।

love problem solution

"ओम नमोहा कात विकत घोर रुपिनी (प्रेमी का नाम) वाशमानाय स्वाहाहा कहो।"

कभी-कभी आपका साथी आप में रुचि खो सकता है। ज्यादातर मामलों में उसके बाद क्या होता है कि वे दूसरे व्यक्ति के पास जाना चुनते हैं। सीधे शब्दों में कहें तो, वे आपको धोखा देने का फैसला करते हैं। अगर आप उन लोगों में से हैं जो इसके बाद भी अपने पूर्व प्रेमी को वापस चाहते हैं, तो यह मंत्र सबसे अच्छा विकल्प है। कहो कि आपका साथी आपके लिए प्रतिबद्ध नहीं है। लेकिन आप मजबूत प्रतिबद्धता चाहते हैं। ऐसे में यह मंत्र आपके पार्टनर को लव मैरिज के लिए भी राजी कर सकता है।

 vashikaran specialist

Friday 8 April 2022

Personal Wedding mobile app development & website design

e-Solution has the perfect idea for couples getting engaged and married. We have a multi-stage custom web site that starts with your own www web address showing all your engagement information and converts into your wedding site. Once a year has passed or you wish to remove your pictures from the Web, you have many options of converting this same site into your own personal family site.

Includes: max. 40 photos,email

mobile app development company                             
Personal Wedding mobile app development & website design


  • Your Domain Name-1Year e.g.(www.Amie-Matt.com)

  • 1 Year Secure Web Hosting

  • 1 Year 5 email (pop3) accounts

  • Email Forwarding

  • Registrar Links

  • Web Based Guest Book

  • No Setup Fees

  • Guaranteed Satisfaction

The Wedding mobile app development & website design includes an engagement page where we'll post a photo, text block and a map link to your wedding location. After the wedding send us your pictures and we'll resize, drop shadow, and position your pictures on the page (up to 40 photos) . You get your own Domain name (if available) example: www.matt-debbi.com and no hosting fees for one year. We'll also put an e-mail link on the page so relatives and friends can tell you what they think of the pictures. All this for Only $299.00. You won't find a better wedding mobile app development & website design design on the net.

Mobile app development company India

Note-This process is not automated, we have designers that take special care in looking at each picture, sizing and placing according to their content. To give you an idea of the time this package takes, Step 2 takes between 6-7 hours of layout, placment and final testing. You again have your own family domain and not a sub-domain off of our site (the domain is yours to extend past the first year if you wish and keep forever making it into a great family web site). This is a GREAT present for a couple!!!!

We accept all major credit cards including check and money order!

Click on the images below for larger view!!!

App devloper in gwalior

Step 1: Engagement mobile app development & website design

Resellers Wedding mobile app development & website design

Step 2: Wedding mobile app development & website design

For photographers who want a to provide wedding web sites to their customers, we build a custom mobile app development & website design and offer a Master Gallery weddings page with hyperlinks to each of the couples.

website design company

Your own logo or company name will be prominent on each page looking like your solution. A studio button is standard linking the user back to your site. If you already have a mobile app development & website design we will help you link your existing site with our hosted solution to provide a seemless appearance for your customers. All of our solutions are hosted on our own web servers which are housed at a Secure Data Center. A studio button is available on all pages for additional orders of photos from family and friends of the couple to link back to your site. Email us for pricing


Salon mobile app development & website designs Designed for Impactive Salon Marketing

 Salon Marketing takes three forms: Traditional print marketing, mobile app development & website design and online marketing and permission based Salon Email Marketing. All three need to be utilised if a salon is to grow and prosper more than that of the local competition.

Traditional Salon Marketing

Traditional paper based marketing still has its place but is being overtaken by online and email marketing, I estimate that over 90% of viable salon clients now have an email address and check their emails at least once per day. That knowledge is powerful and profitable in skillful hands.

mobile app development company

Salon mobile app development & website design Marketing Mistakes

The majority of Salon mobile app development & website designs are NOT designed to be “Salon Marketing Machines” because they have unfortunately been designed and developed by vendors who want to make a quick-buck and have no interest in your ongoing success or worse, made by well meaning salon owners who do not have the necessary experience but have taken advantage of a DIY mobile app development & website design package.

Mobile app development company India 

The “cheap” or “DIY” Salon mobile app development & website design cannot provide a meaningful long-lasting, future proof Salon mobile app development & website design Marketing Platform capable of winning new salon business and communication effectively with clients and prospects. To labour under this false pretense is harmful to the salon reputation and is a false economy in time, money and effort which repulses more mobile app development & website design visitors than it attracts.

A Salon mobile app development & website design designed on-the-cheap will generate negative brand equity and will chase countless salon clients and prospects away from the business and will also have a reverse-effect on existing client retention.

App devloper in gwalior

Meaningful Salon mobile app development & website design Marketing

Conversley a well made salon mobile app development & website design will attract new clients and will generate increased income from existing clients and build salon brand equity and trust. Over the years the structured Salon mobile app development & website design will generate countless thousands in new clients and new revenue. An investment in this kind of mobile app development & website design can be spread over the many years that it will serve you and your bank balance.

Salon Email Marketing

Salon mobile app development & website designs Designed for Impactive Salon Marketing

Salon Email Marketing is now an essential Salon Business Development tool and it would be remiss of any salon owner not to have a regular method for communicating salon promotional messages to their clients and prospects.

 website design company

Our Salon mobile app development & website designs are designed with salon visitor email address collection incentives in order to build an email marketing list, when you add your existing clients email addresses to this list and then begin sending permission based email marketing messages to them you steadily and consistently win more new clients, get clients to visit the salon more frequently, increase the average clients spend and improve client retention. And as a bonus you will be able to DECREASE your normal marketing budget.

Multiple Salon Menu Options

 Potential clients surfing the web for a particular salon service do not want to wade through lots of information about skin care or nails if they are seeking a hairdressing service.

Multi-disciplined salons have the opportunity to increase first visit success by quickly offering information specific to the visitors needs by segmenting the salon menu into relevant “search categories” such as Hairdressing, Beauty, Skin Care, Nails, Spray Tan etc. This is also a good Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) tactic.

Salon Menu

Salon Menu

mobile app development company

A hairdressing salon could subdivide the menu into:


Creative Colour

Colour Correction

Hair Extensions



Men’s Hairdressing

Student Services

Gift Vouchers

etc, etc,etc,

Mobile app development company India 

Enhanced Professional Perception

Using multiple salon-menu pages benefits the mobile app development & website designs search engine optimisation but it also enhances the salon’s online reputation because more space is available for meaningful single subject copy which gives the mobile app development & website design owner the opportunity to project expertise, trust and an enhanced reputation.

App devloper in gwalior

This becomes even more beneficial if the mobile app development & website design owner or their staff can write blogs on these subjects. Powerful stuff!

Salon Menu Display Options

Multiple Salon Menu Options

As well as being displayed on the page, the salon menu can be downloaded in its entirety as a .PDF file or even printed directly from the computer page. Print This Page Print This Page Click the link and the page pops up for printing, after printing hit the “back button” to get back to the original page.

 website design company

Salon Service Sales Directly from the mobile app development & website design

You could even include a “buy this service now” button on your salon menu items, this allows parents to purchase salon services for their children or to by birthday gifts for family and friends. Let all of your clients know about this “pay-up-front” service and I’ll wager your business increases when clients take advantage of this as unique (to our mobile app development & website designs) service.

Saturday 2 April 2022

Black Magic

 When we say black magic it means the usage of some kind of supernatural power to influence someone to do something according to our desires. Yes, it is absolutely true. Black magic has been there since time immemorial. It is the art of using supernatural powers and has been widely used for numerous problems, including gain control over someone, entice people to love, get success in professional as well as personal life, husband wife problems, love marriage problems, career problems, divorce problems and many more. Black magic involvesthe use of positive as well as negative forces that come from either God or Satan for good and evil work respectively. If the power is derived from God, the universal energy, it will certainly bring positive results. 

love problem solution

If it is taken from Satan, it will have negative consequences and will certainly damage things, places or persons.By using black magic, you will have control over someone’s mind and can make that parson work as per your wish. www.vashikarangurusamrat.comis a leading website in India offering wide range of black magic services for all business and love related problems.It is an online solution to all your queries. Apart from that one can seek black magic to prevent suffering from the forces of black magic that has been done by somebody against you. Our guru ji is very experienced with in-depth knowledge about Indian astrologer. He will help you lead a happy and prosper life. 

Our guru ji makes sure you get instant results and taste the ultimate flavor of life without worrying about anything. Remember that you have to provide each and every detail of your problem to our black magic specialist.This will make it easy for him to find the solution quickly. He will give you valid reasons that are behind your suffering. He will further guide you how to avoid it in an effective way. You can even seek solution if you think your friend, colleague or neighbor is using other type of black magic against you. It is very easy to reach Vashikaran Guru Samrat. We are always available on the internet. You can also talk to our specialist over the phone. Our number is . Or simply drop us an email. Mention your name, phone number, email ID and address with complete detail of the person upon whom you want the black magic effect work.Stay relaxed, we will bring you the solution at the earliest.

Black magic is something using the supernatural powers known to us from the Tantra Gyan and is been practiced in almost all the communities of the world.

Black Magic

Black magic is the mystical art of using supernatural powers to control the events, people and nature by way of some rituals. There are many techniques like Voodoo, Witch Craft.

Black magic can be used to harm or hurt another person by performing certain acts or rituals.Black Magic is also known as Abhichara is something which is practiced in many ways in different parts of the world in different ways, invoking the negative energies.

The basic motive of doing black magic is to drive the enemy away from the locality, kill him or destroy the enemy. With an increase of jealousy frustration, greed, negativity and inability to accept others happiness and growth, the use of black magic has become the most common way to take out vindictiveness and get evil kind of satisfaction from the turmoil. Many prosperous people have been ruined by black magic.

Even at distant places, the effect of the technique can be felt thousands of miles away. It is the energy that exists in every person, depending on one's thinking and nature of soul, pious or evil. This energy can be increased to a great extent either in giving benefits to a particular person or harming any other person or place. Some general symptoms of black magic are mental blocks, heaviness and faster heart beat, constriction in the throat, blue marks on thighs without getting hurt, quarrels in the family for no reason, unnatural deaths, sudden business losses etc.

 vashikaran specialist

Other symptoms are experience of heaviness in heart, sleeping problems, illusion of somebody is invisibly present, quarrels are often seen. The person is restless and doesn’t seem to be at peace. Depression and lack of enthusiasm are other symptoms of this magic. The effect of Black magic becomes more chronic, dangerous and fatal with time if left untreated, like horrible disease, ruined of the native and his life.

There are combinations of planets in your horoscope which makes you vulnerable to the effect of black magic.These combinations can be seen in very small percentage of people. Only a learned astrologer can detect that. When we are going through a bad phase in life we try to find an object or person to pin our blame. There might be some unfavourable times written in your life indicated by horoscope. It is not always because black magic you suffer.


People who do black magic or get it done suffer much more than the people on whom it is done, what we do to others will come back to us, good or bad.

Black Magic can really cause havoc on the life of the target person by destroying any aspect of life may it be career, wealth, prosperity, creating family problems or unnecessary tensions, phobias, adversely affecting children & family, creating chronic health problems, destroying mental peace, intelligence & happiness, cause inner turmoil, unrest & abnormal behavior and even cause unnatural deaths in extreme circumstances. Proper remedies can be performed to get rid of black magic by consulting the experts.


Aghori Kishan Lal and Bangali Baba are practicing these practices and are helping people worldwide with these practices.

Wednesday 31 January 2018

What are the best places to stay in Gurgaon?
Our Service Apartments in Gurgaon (Gurugram) are located in some of the best locations to live in Gurgaon. We have luxury service apartments in Sector 40, Sohna Road, Cyber City as well as Sector 45 Grennwood City.
Located in green gated sectors as well as beautiful highrise complexes – our Service apartments in Gurgaon will definitely give you the quaint experience . Because when you stay with us then you definitely live in some of the best area to live in Gurgaon
With so many options comes the obvious question- how do I book the perfect room or service apartment in Gurgaon?  The sheer options can be overwhelming but luckily there are methods how you can make your choice easier. Here are some of the best places to live in Gurgaon
Here are a few of the best places to live in Gurgaon:

1) Service Apartment in DLF city, phase 3: This location is encompassed by extravagant domains, eateries, shopping centers, multiplexes, Schools, Colleges and so on, thus truly making it Gurgaon’s crown jewel and considered as one of the crown jewels of Gurugram. The highlight of this location is definitely the DLF golf and country club, and the nation club.
2) Service Apartment in Sector 49, sohana Road Gurgaon: This area is also coming up fast and a number of companies have moved their offices here. Home to some of the best commercial projects it has many places where one can find top notch Service and 
3) SushantLok and near Galleria Market Gurgaon: The SushantLok section 2 is additionally a lavish region to live in. There are numerous lavish flats and in addition corporate houses show here.
4) Old Gurgaon- Sector 14 and Sector 15: This place too is encompassed by numerous eminent lodgings, loft, schools, and shopping centers. What's more, anyone can locate their essential needs here pretty effortlessly. There are homes as well where one can undoubtedly remain.
MG Road Known as the Mall strip of Gurgaon. This place is loaded with private condos, eateries, shopping centers and so forth. With top-notch connectivity, it is in the epic center of Gurgaon and has public transport to boot. Ideal for people working in or near DLF Cybercity
5) Golf Course Road: Gurugrams answer to Delhi’s Golf Links, the Golf Course Road in Gurgaon ahs some of the best real estate and commercial properties in India. The one horizon tower is supposed to be the most expensive office space in the whole country, with amazing views, rapid metro and wide roads it is little wonder that it has emerged as a preferred destiny for Service apartments in Gurgaon

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